Saturday 18 January 2014

Late Christmas Post!

Hi there everyone,

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a great New Year! It all seems a lifetime ago now!
I did however recently remember that I'd forgotten to post any images from my 'Holiday 2013' window display at Ralph Lauren Outlet, Portsmouth! I actually produced these windows in my final week of employment Ralph Lauren - so have been pretty busy the past few months in my new job and with my Masters course! I worked with Leavi throughout the day and it turned out great!
But they were really gorgeous windows, and I wanted to share just a few highlights from that day =] I'm not going to write a spiel about it all as it was so long ago now - end of October - but I'm sure you can see that the Blue Label window theme was a family ski resort, and the Green Label (Lauren) was based around a New Years' party and slightly influenced by The Great Gatsby!

Here goes:

That's all! Hope you like! I will write a more up-to-date soon! Please feel free to leave any comments =]

